I don't understand the spiritual world. I don't think I'm meant to but it'd be nice to understand those situations when the spiritual world decides to break the air and poke it's head into our world. For instance, how is it that self control can be a fruit of the spirit but when one is overcome by the spirit there seems to be such disorder. This is a question one of my friends asked today. It's an interesting paradox. I'm thinking particularly of things like speaking in tongues and uncontrollable body parts. Without having thought or been given many answers to the question before, I said that maybe God's version of order is different than ours. When we have complete control we are very aware of our physical world sense that's where we live and what we've been allowed to see. We see control as focusing on a speaker or carrying out a task in our world. Maybe when we allow God full control of ourselves he takes us into a broader realm where all is perfectly
under His control.
The unseen world that God has told me of makes me curious. In a way I really want to see more. But that's only because it's 2:14 pm and I can see the sun shining. Which leads me to believe that I can handle anything. But I'm pretty sure I would faint if I got a glimpse of the spiritual world. It's like in the Bicycle series when the characters put on those special glasses and see the giant snakes towering over their city which were formerly unseen. OK so here's what I would like. I'd like to be able to see that world from the safety of God's arms. The best of both worlds. I suppose it'll happen soon enough.
So I hate to complain... what I'd LOVE to complain! I'm really tired of being on campus. It gets so incredibly old. Sure it's great to see friends everyday. But it's all so routine. I try to switch it up and do something creative every now and then but I always have to come back to my room and go back to the cafeteria. I'd like to go to a different place. I'm going to ride my bike.