Saturday, July 17, 2004

Australia and Apple

It's Saturday. Next Wednesday I'm leaving for Australia.
I'll admit it's kind of a scary thing to be away from home,
away from all I know and am comfortable around.
Especially for such a long time. I do know Darren though.
He's a friend from JBU. I'm so thankful that he can be
my roomate.

For a while now I've felt some dread (but not dread,
that's too strong of a word) about leaving. However I was
thinking that I would much rather be going to Australia
than back to JBU. I've also come to realize how great of
an opportunity I have. Probably a once-in-a-life-time
trip. Anyway, that has made me appreciate and even
become more excited about.

I ordered my PowerBook on Wednesday, and I'll be
picking it up today. I don't know why but I've been
feeling so guilty about getting. I ended up spending a
lot more on it than I had intended because of taxes and
other stuff I "had" to get. I guess the main reason I feel
bad is because it's right before this trip and I don't have
a whole lot of money left. sigh. Oh well, it's done now.


Anonymous said...

jeremy i'm really going to miss you. I love you!

Love you, your little sister

Doc4Him said...

It was great to hear from you in LA! Can't believe it took until 5:30 pm Thursday (our time) for you to get to Australia! Let us know how things are going!