Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Help My Unbelief

We went to the Queen Victoria Building, which is a shopping
center, and to Darling Harbor. It was a good but very long day.
A lot of walking. Man this is killing us. We (at least I) always
seem to be pretty tired all the time. I don't wish to be rid of this
experience, but it is tiring.

My sister is very precious. It's funny how she learns from family.
In some areas she seems more mature than I. I hope she
doesn't pick up certain bad characteristics from me.

Not that I'm a master at this, but I've learned that by having a good
attitude about life, life becomes good. Like today. I could have
found plenty of things that went wrong and focus on them, but
the day wouldn't have been so great. The my is powerful.

When I took psychology (ages ago) I learned about how one will
see what he wants to see. For instance with a certain belief one
will only see the evidence that will support that belief. This has
made me think a lot about beliefs. If this is true, if this phenomena
really happens, maybe God uses it to help reinforce our beliefs.
But if that's the case, how do we know we weren't expecting a
different belief in the first place and thus our mind only sees
things that reinforce that wrong belief?

I suppose it all comes down to faith. If God gives us faith to believe
the truth, than we will. If he doesn't we won't. The Bible says that
we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. But even to
believe that statement takes faith. hmmm I'm confused. I believe
and sometimes I don't know why. I guess God truly is the giver of
my belief.

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