Monday, August 16, 2004

Monday Come Around

Today was pretty good. In my Australian History class,
we learned about Australian Politics. It was fairly
interesting, but I didn't really understand a lot of it. Our
teacher is good, but I don't think he likes Bush. He's
like talking about how Bush "stole the election" in 2000.

One interesting thing that I did learn was that here,
liberals are considered conservative. Kind of an interesting

I just got done watching an episode of the X-Files. Some
of those I'm not too sure about. I kept thinking of God's
presence and his will for my life. So I ended skipping a
couple till I found one that wasn't so questionable. Am I
making any sense tonight? I'm pretty tired.

Choir was pretty cool today. I'm not really sure how to
describe it other than we are singing some cool beautiful
songs. I can't wait till tour. It'll be so great because we'll be
on the road and singing like every night. There is even a
small band that will travel with us to accompany us. I think
it'll be a great chance to get to know some of the Ausies
better. I need a suit for our performances, so I think I will
borrow one from Jon (my home-stay brother). I hope it fits.
I really don't want to buy one.

I did a lot of waiting for busses today. I was kind of getting
worried about varies things and how it would all work out.
It's a long story and not really that interesting. Of course it
worked out fine in the end and I realized how dumb I was.
But through it I saw once again that God is in complete
control. It's kind of frustrating when I look back on it because
my response was so me. Trusting God in all is tough.

I wonder if we'll ever see why things happened the way
they did.

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