Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thoughts While Learning to be Patient

It seems like lately my days are filled with nothing
but waiting. Waiting for transportation waiting in
between classes. I only had two classes today
but I spent all of it at school. Simply because it's
too expensive to come back in between. Anyway,
I shouldn't complain so much. I have it good. I have
it very good actually.

I'm tired of typing about things that nobody really
cares about so I will try to spare you all the pain-
staking details of my everyday life. I do however
want to mention this experience. A bunch of us
had "the best fish and chips (fries) in the
universe" and ate it together near the water. It
was to celebrate Darrick's birthday. He's a good
friend of mine. Afterwards we wanted to do
something together in Concord which is the
suburb that we live in. So we went to the bus
stop and waited. And waited, and waited. It
never came. After awhile we went to a nearby
house/dorm and played card games. Than we
came back to go home and it still didn't come.
We probably spent at least an hour waiting for
that wretched bus. Eventually we called our
home stay Mom to get us. She didn't seem to
mind. She's always really nice. I'm so glad
that's over with. It's been a long day.

Some of us American students have started
playing "Would You Rather" when we're
together. It's a game where you make up
something, anything, and ask if you'd
rather do it, or do something else that
you make up. It could be positive or
negative. Derrick always comes up with
the most off the wall ones. He is so funny.
I'm not going to try to explain it to you.
You really have to be there to realize
how funny it was.

Can you imagine what it would be like
to see yourself as God sees you? Obviously
we can't know, but it's an interesting thought.
I'll bet there's so many things we underestimate
or overestimate about ourselves. Like, we probably
underestimate how much we're loved, but at the
same time we overestimate God's acceptance of
the sin in our lives. We also probably underestimate
our potential.

After we die, I wonder if we'll get to see what could
have happened had we had more faith. Hmm,
probably not because that would just be depressing.
I also wonder if we will be able to see things more
clearly in heaven. Things like what held us back
from serving God better. What our little hang ups
were that we just couldn't seem to get past. You
ever wander if God looks at us individually and just
sighs because we're doing what we always do?
You know what I mean? Like we as individuals
have a certain way of thinking, and when starting
to think about how we could further God's Kingdom
we just fall back into the same thought pattern that
leaves us in a ditch, the rut that we're always in.

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