Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Rain Tells My Mood

Today I had my Theology 2 class. It was good. It's usually
pretty interesting. But it's three hours long so it kind of drags
sometimes. Today we talked about the person of Jesus. We
talked some about the trinity too. But mainly about Jesus
and the different views on Him. Stuff like how much of a
human he was and how much of God he was. Basically
we concluded that He was both fully human and fully God
at the same time (I could have told you that). But there was
apparently much debate about it back in the day. Personally
I think it's one of those things we just have to trust God about
because our minds can't handle it.

Normally I have to stay at school all day Tuesdays, but since
the school is paying for most of our bus passes now I went
home in between. It's so much nicer than staying at school
being bored all day.

It rained today. It was much needed. Australia is experiencing
its worse drought in its history right now. Unfortunately they
usually get it in the cities on the coast but not in the farm
lands, which are inland, where they need it most. Anyway,
the rain was very nice. I love the rain. Especially when it
matches your mood. You know? I'm sure it would have been
even better if I had made the time to walk in it. Maybe some-
time when it rains I will go down to the bay. That would be

I tried out a program on my computer called iChat today. I
hadn't done it before. Man, I tell you what. It was so sweet.
I talked with Sean using the voice chat. It was like I was talking
on the phone. We didn't have to wait for the other person to
stop talking before we talked. It was always on. I used my
internal mic. As soon as we turned on the voice chat, it all
worked like a charm (not that I would know how a charm
works). We didn't even have to change any settings. Macs
are great.

I was listening to Chuck Missler a lot today as I was on the
busses. I'm listening to his lectures on Genesis. They're pretty
interesting. He was talking about light and some of its prop-
erties. That's such an incredible subject to think about. He
talked about how it has organic (as in whole) properties in
that it seems to "know" exactly what all of its other particles
are doing at all times. Because light seems to be made up
of individual particles, it seems that we, or our world as we
know it, is actually digital not analog as one tends to think.
We (man) is discovering that the universe is actually finite.
This also contributes to our suspicions of a digital universe.
Isn't that incredible? To me that shows that there's so much
more order in the universe than I had thought. What's more
is to think that God has the capacity to control every individ-
ual component (whatever they may be) is absolutely phen-
omenal. It's a fascinating subject. I hope I'm understanding
and explaining all of this accurately.

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