Saturday, June 07, 2008


So I've decided to start this thing up again. It may not last long but I think it'll be a cool way to remember this trip. As well as keep loved ones informed. As far as I know I'll mainly be updating this using my little iPod Touch keyboard. Kind of hard to write too much on.

I'm SO anxious to get going on this trip. All week I've been thinking about different things I need to prepare for. But I kind of wish I would have had a little more going on so I wouldn't have had so much time to think about things that I couldn't do until Saturday.

Bummer: Sean and Bryan won't be coming into Marseilles overnight Sunday night like we had planned. Instead they won't be there till Monday night. So I'll be with the Smiths all day Monday. Trying to stay awake. A little disappointing but as my Dad reminded me, my schedule and this trip is in God's hands. I pray I'll remember that if/when things go differently than planned on this trip.

1 comment:

The Lourceys said...

I couldn't believe you had already updated! But was kinda hoping for it. I agree with your dad. You going to have a great time regardless, you're in another country for goodness sake! Have fun!