Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I've never even been outside the Palace walls...

You know those days when nothing you do seems to bring fulfillment? This is one of those days. At least ever since I got off work at 2. Of course I took a nap which was pleasant. And I read a little. Nothing I can think of brings excitement. I realize this is of course a purely selfish state but nevertheless it is a state I find myself in. I find it easiest in this state to not care about what I do as much. In other words I have the potential of slipping into sin easier.

I would like to meet Paul from the Bible. He seemed to have things together. I love what he said about finding contentment in whatever situation he's in. It'd be great to have an attitude of disregard for this world and focused so fully on the greater cause of God's Kingdom. Maybe someday I'll have that attitude. Like when I die. hehe

So we were having BS this morning (Bible Study of course). We have one every morning. Sometimes just with our group and sometimes the whole department. Anyway, this guy was sharing a prayer request about he and his son going with a group to Alaska to go bear hunting. And we were discussing how dangerous bears are. And this lady spoke up and said something like, "Yeah that's why there's a law against bears having the right to bear arms." We all had a good laugh.

Oh I have to go! I just thought of something to do -- calibrate my monitor.

Don't worry, if I don't get help at Charter I'll get help somewhere. ; )

Monday, May 29, 2006

United We Stand (on what?)

I just came back from watching except for one the most terrifying and disturbing movie I've ever seen. I don't think a movie has ever upset me quite this much save the Passion of the Christ. By upset I don't necessarily mean anger, but moved. The movie was United 93. I believe the reason it effected me so is because of how close to reality it probably is. It's done in a way that is very similar to a documentary - without the narration of course. Everything that took place prior to the hijacking was so believable it was eery. All of a sudden the terrorists made their move. Things that took place before my eyes left my brain saying, "No, that's not supposed to happen" because of all that it went against. You can't help but sympathize with the characters playing your fellow Americans.

At one point the movie made an interesting connection. It showed passengers quoting the Lord's prayer contrasted with the prayers of the terrorists. Both prayers were calls in a time of distress. I realized that one will default to one's foundational beliefs when all is stripped away. This is why to those with firm belief in God and the Kingdom the evil intentions of others will not succeed no matter how great the offence. Their minds are made up. If America is foundationally firm on Good the terrorists might as well pack it up and go home. They have no hope of persuasion. Of course if we're not, we will naturally default to evil. They will have persuaded us to their evil beliefs (though they take a different form than islam). And they (or rather the greater evil) will have won.

We should all pray for America.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Internin it up

It was a good weekend. On Saturday I went to Cave of the Winds with Christi and two other interns. It was really fun. It's nice because, as interns, we're all going through the same type of experience together. So we can relate to each other's concerns or questions and general ups and downs. It's similar to the relationship between a freshman class at college or a study abroad trip. I think there are supposed to be more coming today but so far I only know Christi, Laura and Amanda. Amanda goes to school at Pensacola (sp?). Yes, the infamous legalistic extremists. But Amanda seems normal. Not too conservative really. Laura also goes to school in Florida but I forget where. Neither of them are in the Creative Department.

So anyway I drove us all to Cave of the Winds. We also walked around in a small town nearby while we were waiting for the cave tour. After all of that I drove Christi back to her house and helped her move to her second house. For some reason her host couldn't keep her all six weeks. Her car is having problems so I have been taking her everywhere. I don't really mind. We're usually hanging out anyway so its not a big deal.

Sunday morning we (the four of us) went to Woodmen Valley Chapel which is not far from where I live. It was an interesting church. I really liked it for the most part. It's a big church with several campuses. They had a live feed linking all the campuses so sometimes we were being lead by the worship leader at the other campus but still singing along with instruments at our campus. And they would switch between the campuses as if it was a news broadcast. "OK back to you Jim." I was pleased to find out the sermon was live from our campus (too bad for the others). It was really pretty weird. It was especially weird (and comical) when we were clapping for something going on at the other campus. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Who are you trying to kid?" and "Why are we clapping?" Anyway, the service as a whole was excelent.

I would love to talk more but I have to go. Hopefully I'll be getting my computer back soon. If God wills it.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Chillin with Jim

Greetings. I've been wanting to post for quite awhile now. I'll use the excuse that my computer has been in the shop for the past few days and the only place I can do this is here at work. I feel kind of bad using the internet for personal use. But I'm not getting payed plus I have nothing else do to right now.

Colorado is magnificent. If it wasn't for the fact that it's away from family it would be the ideal place to live. Every day I see the mountains on the way to work. I can't tell you how in awe I am by them. I hope that doesn't grow old.

So between this paragraph and the last quite a bit of time has elapsed. I went to a mandatory chapel where Dr. Dobson did his radio program. It was really cool! He had several guests who were black preachers and they were discussing the topic of the corruption of marriage. And check it out, Christi and I got our picture taken with Dr. JD himself. It was pretty exciting and kind of pathetic at the same time. Pathetic because of how worked up we were getting about getting our picture with him.

So I of course have much more to say but I'm leaving soon. Christi's car broke down so I'm taking her home and she's leaving now.

Hopefully I'll be able to post again soon. Although I'm not sure how.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hold Fast

The past couple weeks seem to have been made up of more extremes then usual. There was all the annoyances mentioned in my last post. And this week the issue of my car has continued. It's still in the shop (actually a different shop). Kind of a long story. But as of yet the problem is unknown and its return to me is as well. I have to leave the dorms tomorrow at 1. This situation is so out of my control! That of course causes me to react in either a very negative way or a very good way which involves heavy reliance on God. But it's so uncomfortable. God's cutting this one awfully close. I fluctuate from peace to worries. The main thing that gets me is the thought of less time at home before I head to Co. a week from tomorrow.

There have been multiple negative occurrences surrounding the car troubles as well as other things in my life lately. I feel like I've been getting more out of God's word lately. I'm in it every night. And
I've discussed spiritual issues with friends more lately. Particularly Leah. I can't help but wander if the crap I'm going through is more than meets the eye.

But on the other hand I have had some very good times. Sunday was my birthday. I had planned a time with friends to canoe and hang out one last time. It was canceled because of the rain on Saturday. But on Sunday we decided to go. Not as many could go Sunday so it ended up just being Leah, Christi, Becky and I. It was such good times! I feel quite selfish enjoying such a time. Mainly because it reminded me of how much my mood is dictated by my surroundings. But it was wonderful none the less.

Afterwards I ate with the same three and they invited me over to Mayfield (their dorm). I was about to leave but they suggested I hang with them some more. I figured they were up to something. They had made a cake and invited some other friends to celebrate my birthday. I was a little embarrassed but I felt loved.

And another high point was spending some time with Leah on Tuesday. We discussed and read the Bible and some writings we admire. She is quite an amazing writer. I hadn't realized. She explained her views on several Biblical issues and it made me admire her spiritual walk to a great degree more.

The more I read God's word the more meaningful it becomes. It's so good. "...we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life..." You should read 2 Corinthians 1:8-10. If God
is a deliverer in this dire situation how much more in my comfortable life?