Sunday, October 31, 2004

An Unsafe God

Today was a long day. It was pretty uneventful until this evening.
I mostly read the Chronicles of Narnia and worked some on my
theology paper. The Chronicles of Narnia is really good. It can
be doll at times but usually it's pretty entertaining. I love the parts
when Lewis talks about Aslan. The way he describes him is
always a very powerful analogy for Jesus. He used the words
"terrible" and "beautiful" to describe Him. That stuck out to me.
He also said that He's not safe, which also made an impression
on me. They are interesting ways of describing God. It really
makes you think about the nature of God.

Tonight was a costume party and the Drummoyne house. It was
kind of in place of Halloween. Pretty much all of the ASC students
were there and a bunch of Aussies too. I didn't dress up as anything.
But I wasn't the only one so I didn't feel bad. Mostly we just stood
around and talked and ate. But there was also pumpkin carving
and bobbing for apples. Towards the end some people watched
a movie and some danced. It was fun to watch. They wanted me
to join but I really didn't feel comfortable doing it. I did a tiny bit
though. It probably would have been fun if I would have just let
loose. But I didn't feel like it. The music wasn't that great either so
it was hard to get into it.

Anyway, I'm glad I went. As always it was really fun to talk with
friends. I know I still have a month here, but I just can't get it out
of my head that I'll be leaving everyone soon. I guess I shouldn't
worry about it and just enjoy the time I have.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Film Shoot

I went to the central coast today where Carly lives. She's a girl
in my video production class that Andy and I are working with
on our video project. I left pretty early this morning. The train
ride wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Only about an hour and
a quarter maybe. Anyway, the reason we went up there was
because she got a bunch of her friends to act and we filmed it
at her church. We wrote a script based on a parable. It worked
out pretty well. It could have been better but I was happy
enough with it. Now all we have to do for the project is edit.
Which is a big task but I'm looking forward to it. It makes things
so much better when you can work with a group on a project,
that way all the pressure of finishing the project isn't just on one

The filming went well. We got it all done by about 3. Both Andy
and I were pretty tired most of the time. And Carly was all
excited about it and always seemed to be with the program.
Whereas Andy and I tuned in and out. I'm glad she was there
to keep things moving.

Darren's at some party he was invited to and Jon's at his mate's
house for the night. Wendy is inside with a bunch of other ladies
talking over tea and coffee. So I don't have much to do right now.
I think I'll go to bed early. I'm really stuffed.

It was funny, Wendy came in with all the other ladies and I was
out in the computer room and I was like "Please don't make me
come in." Fortunately she didn't. But I'm afraid I'm going to have
to go through them to get to my room. sigh...

Jon went over his download limit for the month for his cable
connection. So now there's a cap on our speed. It's so annoying.
I really want to download some of those Chuck Misler talks on
Daniel. But it would take ages. Can't wait till Monday the 1st.

By the way, my friend Rachel puts her pics up on yahoo photos.
If you want to see the costume party I was talking about you can
check it out at:

Click on 10/31/2004 (even though it wasn't the 31st). I don't think
there's a picture of me in there so it probably won't mean much to
you, but at least you can see what I was talking about.

An Unsafe God

Today was a long day. It was pretty uneventful until this evening.
I mostly read the Chronicles of Narnia and worked some on my
theology paper. The Chronicles of Narnia is really good. It can
be doll at times but usually it's pretty entertaining. I love the parts
when Lewis talks about Aslan. The way he describes him is
always a very powerful analogy for Jesus. He used the words
"terrible" and "beautiful" to describe Him. That stuck out to me.
He also said that He's not safe, which also made an impression
on me. They are interesting ways of describing God. It really
makes you think about the nature of God.

Tonight was a costume party and the Drummoyne house. It was
kind of in place of Halloween. Pretty much all of the ASC students
were there and a bunch of Aussies too. I didn't dress up as anything.
But I wasn't the only one so I didn't feel bad. Mostly we just stood
around and talked and ate. But there was also pumpkin carving
and bobbing for apples. Towards the end some people watched
a movie and some danced. It was fun to watch. They wanted me
to join but I really didn't feel comfortable doing it. I did a tiny bit
though. It probably would have been fun if I would have just let
loose. But I didn't feel like it. The music wasn't that great either so
it was hard to get into it.

Anyway, I'm glad I went. As always it was really fun to talk with
friends. I know I still have a month here, but I just can't get it out
of my head that I'll be leaving everyone soon. I guess I shouldn't
worry about it and just enjoy the time I have.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Cool People

Today was good. I had the morning off and my Christian Artist
in the Industry class got out way early. So I spent a lot of time
just hanging out at school talking with friends and such. I
walked down to the Thai restaurant with April. She's a good
friend. I never seem to run out of things to talk about with her.
Ever since I told her about my Dad being a doctor she keeps
saying that we're so rich. Especially when I tell her things like
how I'm going to New Zealand she brings it up. In a way it's
annoying because it's like she's putting me on a different level
than her.

Because of various reasons I feel like I'm getting to know Cali
and Cassie from Concord a little bit better. It's really great getting
to know people better. It's interesting how your opinion of a person
changes once you actually get to know them. Cassie is so funny.
She's one of those girls that you sort of think isn't so bright or
but then after spending time with her you can see that she's very
quick and witty. She has an extremely sarcastic sense of humor so
she's really funny to talk with. She'll carry on a whole conversation
in sarcasm with out once cracking a smile.

I feel like I want to get to know so many more of these people better
and go places and do things with them. But then I remember how
little time we have left together and it makes my heart sink. I guess
I'll do what God allows.

After our short class Darren, Amber, and I got a ride with Renee to
the Seymour Theatre where the music students have been performing
their end-of-the-year concerts. It was a fun time. Renee sang a few
songs for Jonno McDonnell. She is a really gifted singer. And tonight
she sang some good pleasant songs. It was very enjoyable to listen to.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I didn't post yesterday because I got home too late and was
too tired. Our Australian History class was cancelled and
choir was cancelled. But I didn't know about choir. So I went
to school and found out. It was kind of disappointing, and
irritating that I came all the way in to school just to turn around
and go home.

Later that day a bunch of us went to Pancakes on the Rocks.
We didn't have anything to do so we just decided to do that
since some of us hadn't gone yet. I was going to go with my
family when they were here but we couldn't find it. It turns out
it was really close to where my family and I walked. Anyway
we had a great time there. Andy, Cassie, Heather, Gavin,
Caroline and I all went. It was really nice to go with such a
small group. It was easier to relate and interact with everyone
in the group that way.

After we ate, Cali, Andy, Cassie and I went to the movie
"The Notebook." I had kind of been wanting to see it so this
seemed like a good opportunity. It was basically just one big
romance movie. But it really wasn't that bad. Except for a
couple parts where we had to cover our eyes (I was glad to
see at least Cali has high moral standards and covered her
eyes). Anyway the whole night was really fun. I really enjoyed
the company.

Today was a different story however. It's kind of a long story.
Basically I'm mad at myself for staying home and not going
swing dancing with the group that was going tonight. They
went to this place to learn swing dancing for free. At first I didn't
want to go. But then Cassie and Cali and others were telling
me I should go. So I decided that I wanted to go but I didn't
know when or where it was. I was waiting for Darren to come
home to go with him. But I guess he went straight there. There's
much more to it, but it's not worth going in to. I feel left out right
now and it's nobody's fault but mine. I had an idea of where it
was but I was too chicken to go.

I'm still reading through Daniel. It's frustrating. All of those visions
and stuff. I want to know what it all means, but I don't want to do
all the research and studying to find out. I'm kinda lazy like that.
Maybe I'll use some of my free time here to go online and see
what I can discover about it.

I've been designing stuff for fun lately. I'm using a free program
called "The Gimp." It's not too bad once you get used to it.
Doing that stuff has made me think more about my future business
with my brother. An idea came to mind during Theology class today.
What if we made a single product that we customize for individuals
but still has enough room for creativity on our part. The key
difference being the single product, instead of doing all sorts of
different kinds of multimedia services. It would need to be
something unique that we can offer. Basically this idea would
give us an edge on the market so that we wouldn't be competing
directly with other new media design type businesses.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Last Choir Concert :(

I had a weird experience last night. I slept walked. All I
remember is finding myself at my door trying in vain to
slide my door open. It's a normal door that opens with a
handle but I was trying to push and slide it open.
Somehow in the process I slid the shelves on top of my
desk over. Fortunately I didn't push it very far otherwise
the whole thing would have come down with a crash. I
remember finally feeling the door knob and feeling very
relieved and wondering why I had forgotten how to open
the door. It was like I sort of woke up a little bit more. So
I just went back to bed.

The only reason I remembered it was because I saw the
shelves out of place. Then the experience all came back
to me. It's weird how that whole experience was laying
dormant in my mind until it was triggered by what I saw.
The mind is so mysterious. Anyway, I just wanted to share
that strange experience with you.

Yesterday I had planned to go surfing with my friend. He
just transfered to Hillsong University from JBU. So that's
how I know him. And I haven't had a chance to see him yet.
But unfortunately he wasn't able to make it. It was such a
perfect day for it too! I was disappointed.

So instead I just stayed home all day and read and watched
a movie and stuff. It was nice for a while but then it got boring.
I was going to call the Concord house to see what they were
up to. But I don't really feel that comfortable with just going
over there by myself. Especially since there are few guys there.
Plus Gladiator was on TV so I just decided to be lazy and watch
that. Awesome movie by the way.

Today we had out last choir concert. At least the last full concert.
It was kind of sad. But I've learned not to expect it to be like choir
tour again. I don't think it'll ever be like that again. There's just
something that happens between a group of people when they
spend that much time together. I'll never forget what a blessing
choir tour was to me.

Anyway, the show went pretty well. There was no band because
the church wasn't big enough for it. So it was really weird trying
to sing our gospel upbeat songs without the band. Couldn't really
get into it very well. And sometimes there were these weird pauses
where the band was supposed to fill in. It was comical at times
because everyone (in the choir) would just like wait quietly,
listening to the band part in their heads. It made me laugh.

It also makes me laugh when Jaygo, the guy behind me, slurs his
notes up to the correct note. Know what I mean? Like if the note's
a high D he'll start maybe on a G and slide up to the D. It's hilarious
at times. Especially when you can predict it. I think it's just a bad
habit he's gotten into.

I apologize for the great length of this post. Heaps of stuff happens
to me and I gotta tell somebody! :)

Friday, October 22, 2004

God's Reminder

I've had a long day. I didn't have classes so I stayed home
pretty much all day except this evening. I worked on my
2000 word paper and finally got it done. It took forever.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I would of had enough to
talk about. But I ran out about half way through. I didn't
have much to say on the topic in the first place and it was
supposed to be a lot of personal observation. Eventually I
thought of enough stuff though.

I spent a lot more time with Jon today because we were
both home all day together. He's pretty fun to be with. It's
fun to sit and watch TV and talk about all sorts of stuff.
Sounds kinda dumb. But it's just a time where we can
both just be ourselves. We have fairly similar interests
so it's cool to chat.

This evening I went with Jon to his friends house. It was an
interesting experience. There was a lot of drinking and
smoking. Basically we just hung out around the pool table
the whole time. Fortunately I wasn't there for too long. It
certainly wasn't a very comfortable place. The people were
all really nice and all, but I didn't know anyone except Jon so
it wasn't very fun.

I read a story about Nebuchadnezzar (the King in Daniel) last
night in my quiet time. It was a story about God humbling him
because he started thinking he and his kingdom was greater
than he/it was. It seemed to speak to me in some way. After
king Neb was humbled by God he said speaking of God, "He
is able to humble those who walk in pride." That phrase stuck
out to me. It reminded me to remain humble before God and
give God the credit not myself. It's a simple thought, but God
seemed to speak to me through that story. It felt more powerful
than it normally does when reading the Bible. That's why I
wanted to mention it.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Boring Recap

I've been pretty lazy about posting recently. Mainly because I'm just
tired to do and only want to go to bed.

On Tuesday, the only thing worth mentioning that I can remember
happened after my video production class that night. Normally Wendy
picks me up after that class because she's in the area, but we got
done with out class an hour early so I just took the bus. It ended up
just as long as it would have had I waited for Wendy. I had to walk from
Burwood because the busses were so far apart in time. Anyway this is
taking way longer then I meant for it to.

After I got home I was pretty hot and tired from walking for the past 30
minutes so I got my pajamas on and settled down for a quiet evening in
my room with my book. The door bell rang. It was Amber and Renee.
They "were in the neighborhood" and just thought they'd stop by. They
then asked if I wanted to go to Marrika's house and have pie and ice
cream. So I agreed. Mainly because I didn't have a good enough excuse
not to. But I still kinda wanted to.

So we drove over to Marrika and Colean's apartment. Basically we just
sat around and ate and talked. Thankfully Paul and Andrew showed up
so I wasn't the only guy. These are all people from choir btw.

My first major assignment - a 2-3000 word essay - is due Monday. It's
really quite annoying. Here I haven't had much to do all semester and
then bam, I have an essay. It's really not that big of deal. It's just
that I'm
not used to this work so it's hard to make my self do it. Darren and I
saying it's funny how we complain about two papers due all semester
and last semester I did one every couple weeks.

Anyway, I'm really tired of typing nonsense. Sorry for this lame post.
I just
wanted to get all that out to fill people in on what's been happening
in my
life. There's heaps more to say but it's not so interesting.

Monday, October 18, 2004

God is Real

Today while waiting at school in-between classes I talked
with Jonno Dollin a bit. He's a really cool guy. He's as nice
as can be. But yet he's very cool about it. I can tell he has
high standards and takes God's Word seriously. He's a sax
player who went with us on tour, which is where I got to
know him a bit. Anyway, we had a great conversation today.
It really wasn't about anything that great. It was just really
really good times. I'm not sure why I enjoyed it so much.
It's just like, we really hit it together. Like we were both
ourselves and enjoyed each others friendship. I really
want to have him over sometime or something. He's a
great guy.

I know I shouldn't dwell on the negative. But I can't help
thinking realistically. And when I do that I am reminded of
the fact that I will soon be going away and will probably
never see these guys again. Every time I think of it I get this
tense feeling inside. It's a feeling that distresses me a great
deal. It's an indescribable feeling of sadness. However, once
again, the hope of reunion in heaven is reassuring.

I'm reading through Daniel. In the second chapter after God
has revealed Nebuchadnezzar's dream to Daniel, Daniel
says that God, " wisdom to wise men and knowledge
to men of understanding." This phrase stuck out to me. I don't
know what exactly it means. I just found it interesting. You
would think it should say that God gives wisdom and knowledge
to those without understanding. But it doesn't. It reminds me
of the New Testament where it says "To those who have, more
shall be given." What does it mean though? Is it a reference
to God's sovereignty in choosing to bless some greatly and
others not much at all?

In Daniel God reveals part of the future in Nebuchadnezzar's
dream. It's really cool to think that God can see all of time at
once. I know it's all been said before. But tonight it was made
more real to me. It's like He decided to give us a glimpse of the
future in Daniel. This is really frustrating me right now because
I can't explain my feelings. It's just real. God is real.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Mountains and Caves

So much to say, so little time. Yesterday morning all the American
students left from the school on our trip to the Blue Mountains and
the Jenolen Caves. I really wasn't looking forward to the trip that
much. Because I've already seen the Blue Mountains with my
family and I've seen many caves before. But I was surprised with
the fun that it was.

The Blue Mountains were once again very beautiful. But as I said
I had been there before. It was still good to see them, mainly just
because it was with all my buds. But the caves was really
something. The first night we got there we took one of those
normal walking-on-a-paved-walkway cave tour. Actually a really
cool part of that was when we stopped in one of the rooms down
there and sang. We had all four choir parts, so we did a little
performance acappella (sp?). It was really cool. Cool to sing and
cool to get attention. :) We also sang songs as a whole group.
The caves made the singing special. A lot different than singing
in a normal room.

This morning we all got geared up in our coveralls, helmets,
lights, and harness. The first thing we did was repel down into this
hole to where we could enter the caves. That was pretty fun.
Then we split up into groups of about 6 where we started our tour.
There were no lights down there. We just had our lights on our
helmets. And there was no real path, it was much more rugged
then the previous tour. Much more climbing, ducking, sliding,
squeezing, jumping. It was such a blast. It's like one of those
things every guy wanted to do as a kid. Even though we stayed
as a group and followed a guide, it felt much more like we were
free and exploring.

I don't know why, but I wasn't really too worried about it. Dr.
Johnston kind of exaggerated how bad it was when he explained
it. But then later (before the tour) he explained it better and made
me feel a lot better about it.

There were definitely some tight places. Like where you had to
crawl flat on your stomach to made it through. But usually you
could see the other side where you could stand up again, so it
wasn't bad at all. There was also this really cool girl in my group.
So the experience was definitely brighter.

Man there's so much more to say but I'll try to wrap it up with one
more thought.

I spent a lot of time with the guys in our ASC group. At our
dinner Friday night we had many many laughs. But then the
conversation started going sour. A couple jokes and stories were
shared that were distasteful to say the least. I felt dirty after
hearing them. It of course made me sad. But then later that night
a group of us, many of the same guys got together and had this
great praise and worship time where we prayed for each other
and sang and praised God and read the scripture. I can tell those
guys take God's word seriously, but it's like they're blind to certain
parts. Like 'having no hint of evil amongst you' or whatever the
quote is. They just talk about things that aren't uplifting at all or
pure, or wholesome.

I know I probably have areas in my life that I'm blinded to, but it's
a lot easier to see them in others. It makes me wonder what evil
in my life I'm not seeing.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


After classes yesterday, Darren, Dan, Angie, Rebecca, and I
went over to Heather and Cassie's to swim. They live at a
homestay at an apartment place with a pool. It was so hot
yesterday. I think it got up to 100. It was fun to swim, but of
course the sun went down before we got in. After we swam
we ate there and then looked at pictures/video of Heather,
Cassie, and Darren's trip to Melbourne and Brisbane. It was
really fun to watch the video because they were always doing
stupid/funny stuff for the camera. It was quite entertaining.

I really like reading. I wish I could do it more. I'm still working
on The Testament. It's really fun to be in another world. When
you get tired of your own world, books are a good way to go to

I'm leaving for the Jenolan caves with the ASC group tomorrow.
I don't really feel like going. I just want to stay home and relax.
But I guess it might be fun. I'm also a little worried about doing
the Adventure Caving Tour because apparently there are parts
where you have to crawl through on your stomach. And there
are no lights except the ones on your helmet. I'm not terribly
excited about doing that. But hopefully it won't be a big deal. I'll
pray about it.

Today it was really hot again. Up until about 1 or 2 when it got
cloudy and nice and cool. It felt so good after the heat. It was kind
of windy and looked like a storm. It reminded me of Colorado
weather for some reason. Which in turn reminded me of Horn Creek -
the family camp we go to every year. It made me long to be there.

To be with family, with no worries. Not that I have many worries here.
That's just a comforting memory I have.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Goodbye For A Little While

Monday was good. Probably one of the best days with my
family. They came to school with me. I was able to introduce
them to some of my friends. We ate there and talked a lot.
They didn't embarrass me which is good. Choir practice
was great. My family was able to hear pretty much all of our
other good songs. We sang all of my favorite. I was glad.
They said they really enjoyed it and were impressed. I was
proud. Dr. Johnston was kind and asked if there was anything
in particular I wanted my family to hear. So at the end we sang
Wondrous Cross. An incredible arrangement that is so powerful.
I really love it and was very glad my family could hear it.

I didn't have Theology today. My teacher is out of town or
something. So I was able to see my family off at the airport. It
was sad to see them go. But I've kind of gotten used to their
absence. Plus I know I will see them pretty soon at Thanksgiving.
Not too far away. Having left this morning, They'll be getting
home about the time I wake up tomorrow. That's a long time to
travel at once.

By the way, I don't mean to sound like I didn't appreciate my family
coming. I really did. It was fantastic to see them again. Especially
to see Michelle. I love her a lot.

I don't know what to do for a career. I've been thinking a lot about
it lately. I've also been talking with my Dad about it. I guess God
really wants me to trust Him on this one. Because I don't have a
very good idea of what to do. I have many interests, but how should
I know what to commit myself to? Trusting in someone you can't
see to guide you is hard.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


We went to Wesley Mission for church. It was a really good
sermon. I think I might start going there more often. We went
to a mall nearby and ate lunch, then went back to the church
for our choir concert. We only sang two songs, Brighter Day
and Shackles. I was kind of disappointed with the whole
experience for several reasons. I wanted my family to hear
more of our songs. The two we did were up beat and not that
challenging musically.

I was also disappointed because it just didn't feel like choir
tour. We seemed to have lost the feeling of oneness that we
had on tour. It's hard to describe, but there's no other feeling
like it.

I guess what made it disappointing was my high expectations.
I was thinking things would be all great and we would sing
all these fun songs and show my family at the same time. But
It that's not how things worked out. Oh well. Things will be

When we got home later, we played Pictionary with Jon, his
friends Joel and Matt, Darren, my family and I. It was really pretty
fun. Joel is such a funny guy. He makes all these sarcastic
comments and then just laughs really hard at his own jokes.
Good times.

This blog isn't as good when you are writing to people who you
live with. I've kind of had to limit what I say because I know my
family will read this later. I'm not quite as free.

Sorry if I've made this point before. I've had another one of
those days where I've come to experience the reality of sin
in our everyday lives. By that I mean the effects of sin. Namely,
how things and people will let you down. Nothing but that which
comes from God will last forever and will never let you down.
Today I guess I've experienced how people will let you down
in particular. I'm thinking of the choir. It's not like they've done
anything wrong. They're just not perfectly dependable. God is.
He's who I need to lean on. Mentally, physically and spiritually.
That's why I get so tired with dealing with things which aren't
dependable. Why can't we just jump to perfection in heaven?
That's not for me to decide or complain of I suppose.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Unseen Connections

Man... life goes on. I've had a good couple of days with my
family since I've last posted. I've been reminded of the
patience one must have when traveling with a family. Like,
when I'm with myself I can just go and do whatever whenever.
But with my family it takes longer to do things because we
have to stop for this reason or that. Something I've sort of
forgotten. Of course there are countless positive aspects
on the other hand.

There's something special and very powerful that can take
place between two human beings that is unexplainable. I'm
not merely talking about relationships between male and
female. There are many people whom I've found very
interesting and admirable. Seeing these people have wet
my appetite for a closer more intimate relationship with
someone. It's like my soul says, if a relationship with the
ordinary is this, if a person can be this fulfilling at this
distance, how much greater would it be to experience
someone closer.

I must say I've experienced a little bit of heaven on earth
here in Australia. I will miss it so incredibly much. Most
of all I will miss the people. I hate thinking that it will end.
But I hang to the hope of seeing them all again in heaven.
Along with the rest of my friends and family. I pray that day
comes very soon.

I've got to go to bed, I'm starting to get into one of those
depressed moods that one tends to fall into at night.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Help My Unbelief

We went to the Queen Victoria Building, which is a shopping
center, and to Darling Harbor. It was a good but very long day.
A lot of walking. Man this is killing us. We (at least I) always
seem to be pretty tired all the time. I don't wish to be rid of this
experience, but it is tiring.

My sister is very precious. It's funny how she learns from family.
In some areas she seems more mature than I. I hope she
doesn't pick up certain bad characteristics from me.

Not that I'm a master at this, but I've learned that by having a good
attitude about life, life becomes good. Like today. I could have
found plenty of things that went wrong and focus on them, but
the day wouldn't have been so great. The my is powerful.

When I took psychology (ages ago) I learned about how one will
see what he wants to see. For instance with a certain belief one
will only see the evidence that will support that belief. This has
made me think a lot about beliefs. If this is true, if this phenomena
really happens, maybe God uses it to help reinforce our beliefs.
But if that's the case, how do we know we weren't expecting a
different belief in the first place and thus our mind only sees
things that reinforce that wrong belief?

I suppose it all comes down to faith. If God gives us faith to believe
the truth, than we will. If he doesn't we won't. The Bible says that
we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. But even to
believe that statement takes faith. hmmm I'm confused. I believe
and sometimes I don't know why. I guess God truly is the giver of
my belief.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Lovely Meaning

I had another full day with my family again today. We
went to the zoo and took a tour of the Opera house.
Man that main auditorium where the symphony plays
is incredible. It's a beautiful design. I really really want
to go to Mozart Requiem in November. I think Sean
played Mozart Requiem in an ensemble once. I've
heard it's really beautiful. And I'm sure it'll will be a
fabulous show at the Opera house. My only wish is
that Sean could go with me.

You ever have those moments where you have an
enhanced sense of the reality of God? I had one today.
I can't explain it. It's like a switch was turned on in my
mind where I all of a sudden realized that God is real
and that he is watching. Obviously I know this to be true
in my head, but something made it real in the depths of
my soul. The moment didn't last long.

I'm not that weird, really.

I can have all the toys, all the knowledge, all the fame,
all the sex, all the riches in the world but unless I have
a relationship that is meaningful, than life is meaningless.
I can't stress this fact enough. Day after day, God reveals
this truth to me. Relationships are where its at. I suppose
that is what will make heaven what it is.

Spend 99 cents on iTunes and buy "Lack of Color" by
"Death Cab For Cutie." This is a secular band that has
found the truth stated above. And this song shows it. It's
an amazing song that I just can't get enough of.

I suppose even more than a meaningful relationship, life
is made good through love. As the bible says, without love
I have nothing. I am nothing. God realized this when he
created us. And He certainly proved it to be true through
His own love for us.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Fun With Family

It's been a couple days since I've posted. My family's
here and we've been having some full days and going
to bed early. They're tired early from jet lag, and I'm
just plain tired for some reason. We've had a good time
so far. It was great to see them for the first time at the
airport. It's been too long.

We went to the Aquatic Centre yesterday. It was little bit
more oriented towards kids than I thought, but it was still
fun. There was a big water slide and a river thing where
the water is pushed through this area and you just kind
of go with the flow, literally. It was great to swim with
Michelle. I think she really enjoyed it.

We went to Wendy's church this morning. It was pretty
good. The whole service wasn't as wild and crazy as it
was the last time I went. And the message was actually
pretty good. Biblically sound. I think my family enjoyed it.
It was quite annoying to stand with my family and go
through all the introductions to everyone.

It's great to be with my family again. My Dad continues to
make me laugh with his sarcasm and such. We're not
complete though. I miss Sean and Jonathan. I was
showing my family some pictures and was reminded of
good times on our Chicago trip with Sean.

Sorry I'm not really saying much that's very interesting
in this blog. I'm feeling kind of lazy right now.

Feedback's encouraging. Thanks.