Sunday, January 15, 2006

Choir Retreat

I had a choir retreat this weekend. In general it was a great time. Mr.
Smith was a little sick so we didn't practice quite as much this year
as last. Saturday night was the best. We divided into four groups and
came up with a skit based on a theme given to us. As always it was
pretty crazy because most of it is improvisation. But that of course
made it funny and entertaining.

We also played family feud. Earlier we all filled out a survey with
questions like, "Who in choir has the best hair?" "Who is the most
likely to get lost in Chicago?" (our tour this year). It was a lot of
fun because people had to guess the top three most popular answers for
each question. Lots of laughs. One of the questions was, "Who in choir
isn't dating but should be?" A team of girls guessed Leah and I but we
weren't one of the top three. hehe Leah was like, "What?!" I could have
predicted that guess based on the amount of time we hang out. I mainly
thought it funny and don't intend to let others' opinion change the
amount of time I spend with a friend. But thanks for asking.

I did come in second for two of the questions. One of them was, "Who in
choir is the most likely to have a mullet?" I have no idea why people
guessed me on that one. And the other was, "Who in the choir would be
the best to take home to Mom?" That was pretty funny. It's all pretty
ridiculous because it's pretty much a glorified popularity contest. But
it was still fun.

Jeremiah Christie and I were roommates for the retreat (Jeremiah Rich
is my roommie at school). It was nice rooming with him. Last night we
talked for awhile and it was really satisfying. I haven't really talked
with him that much about more serious issues. It was really interesting
to get to know him a little better. I even decided to ask him about
Leah and why he broke up with her because I was never really clear on
it. Without disclosing too much information I'll say that he is pretty
much in the same confused boat as I am with regards to the whole
when-to-get-involved-in-a-romantic-relationship question. I was
slightly surprised but comforted at the same time. I hope to get to
know him even better. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to find out
how similar he feels after what my Dad has told me growing up. He has
pretty much the same feelings as I do in many other areas of life. This
is obvious, but there is comfort in spending time with someone of a
like mind.

There is of course much more which I could tell but time is short.

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