Saturday, February 04, 2006

Apples don't only keep the doctor away

I've been thinking about beauty. Particularly in Music. It's easy to think beauty can only be seen in excellent music. For instance a song that is played and sang on perfect pitch. But I've come to realize that so much good can be taken from that which is less than perfect. Sometimes a singer can be so passionate and expressive that he can be a little off pitch but still be enjoyable to listen to. It shows his imperfections and communicates on a different level. That can be taken too far of course, to where it becomes distracting. But it's true for the most part. To a degree this can be true in a worship service as well and it can still be a good service because of the heart of a person. But perfection should still be strived for.

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I'm not sure what it is but I
haven't been feeling very expressive. Every time I think about posting it doesn't sound very appealing. I guess I just don't have much good to say these days.

Having said that, let me share a story which may be mildly
entertaining. I worked this morning from 8 to 2 as a stocker. Which primarily means I face the products (make everything straight and pretty.) So I was on our hair care aisle pulling some hair spray to the front of the shelf. I grabbed the can by the lid and the lid popped off. For some reason I have this fear in me from a young age about letting anything pressurized drop. I guess I think it might explode. Anyway, I wasn't really nervous about adjusting the hair spray can but then when the lid popped off and the can started to fall this fear from years past quickly rose within me and I sort of over reacted to catch
the can. I was so relieved when it didn't fall. Then I just started laughing at myself at how seriously I took the whole situation. I couldn't stop laughing! And this customer came around the corner and started turning down the aisle but then turned away. Whether it was because she found out she was in the wrong aisle or because there was a freak employee laughing I don't know. So that made my day go just a little faster.

Oh I've thought of something else to share! And I thought this was going to be a boring post. (Man I'm good). I was walking back to North Hall (where I live) one evening. There were two couples holding hands, one behind me and one in front of me. (They weren't all holding hands, just in pairs.) When I noticed that each had their lovers hand in theirs I looked down at my hand to see a green apple. I smirked at the
contrast. Then I sighed and began to feel sorry for myself. hehe But I'm sure if things are going to happen they'll happen soon enough. I'm alright with that. Besides, green apples taste better.

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