Thursday, April 06, 2006

Three "I love yous"

After the high of the previous two weeks I am certainly experiencing a boring streak. It seems like every one of my classes has a very low level of demand. It seems all I do anymore is eat, sleep and feel guilty about my lack of productivity. So today I was trying to reverse that by working on the St. Olaf Swing Dance Club website. However I quickly became frustrated and felt the need to be inspired. This is a hard game to play. It's a battle between productivity and creativity. So what do you do when creativity never comes and you have a deadline? Do you just hastily throw something down and call it good? Unfortunately that is what I have done many times in my school assignments which require creativity. Creativity doesn't seem to come as easily for me as it does others, i.e. Sean. If I don't start getting better soon I fear for my success in this industry. However I certainly don't plan on giving up soon. I think that practice will improve my creative abilities. I'm hoping this summer will be just what I need as I'll be working at Focus on the Family and possibly for a graphic
design company remotely.

Now on to a subject perhaps more interesting to some of you ladies. Get this, I had two girls tell me, "I love you" today. I took Courtney Moore to City Coffee today. It was pretty fun. It started raining and storming while we were there. I love days like today that are kind of dreary all day. Anyway, I think it was when we were talking about being content while being single (by the way we weren't speaking in specific terms, just general) that Courtney said how happy she was to have good friends. Whether or not you believe me she was speaking in general
terms. I realize it doesn't sound like that. Anyway, she said that she loves me (as a friend). She's a very selfless person who doesn't require much reinforcement to give of herself.

The second girl was Megan Mulder at work. We were just joking around. I'm not sure what about. And she said, "I love you Jeremy." It was in a very light-hearted manner of course. If you had been there for either of these situations you would better understand that neither of them meant a romantic love. Now that I go back and read this it sounds quite terrible. It really wasn't a big deal. But still, two girls (outside my family) told me they loved me in the same day at different times. Not a bad day I guess.

I want to end with a God story. As with most of what I say on this blog I won't be able to fully portray the depth of my feelings through this crude form of communication. But I will try.

It happened quite recently actually. I was getting out of my car after having arrived back at school from work. I looked up and saw the moon. It wasn't very clear out but I could see the moon. As I was staring, along came a small group of clouds all traveling together across the
sky. It was a small group. I noticed that it was about to cross between myself and the moon. I waited and I got more and more excited as I realized how wonderful this moment was going to be. Then it happened, just as I had hoped. Because of where the clouds were it was suddenly revealed to me how much farther away the moon was from me. The clouds were already way up there, but the moon was so much farther! I used the clouds as a reference for measuring the distance of the moon from me.

For a moment I was in complete awe of the greatness of the universe. God was in that moment. I could feel Him.

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