Friday, May 05, 2006

Hold Fast

The past couple weeks seem to have been made up of more extremes then usual. There was all the annoyances mentioned in my last post. And this week the issue of my car has continued. It's still in the shop (actually a different shop). Kind of a long story. But as of yet the problem is unknown and its return to me is as well. I have to leave the dorms tomorrow at 1. This situation is so out of my control! That of course causes me to react in either a very negative way or a very good way which involves heavy reliance on God. But it's so uncomfortable. God's cutting this one awfully close. I fluctuate from peace to worries. The main thing that gets me is the thought of less time at home before I head to Co. a week from tomorrow.

There have been multiple negative occurrences surrounding the car troubles as well as other things in my life lately. I feel like I've been getting more out of God's word lately. I'm in it every night. And
I've discussed spiritual issues with friends more lately. Particularly Leah. I can't help but wander if the crap I'm going through is more than meets the eye.

But on the other hand I have had some very good times. Sunday was my birthday. I had planned a time with friends to canoe and hang out one last time. It was canceled because of the rain on Saturday. But on Sunday we decided to go. Not as many could go Sunday so it ended up just being Leah, Christi, Becky and I. It was such good times! I feel quite selfish enjoying such a time. Mainly because it reminded me of how much my mood is dictated by my surroundings. But it was wonderful none the less.

Afterwards I ate with the same three and they invited me over to Mayfield (their dorm). I was about to leave but they suggested I hang with them some more. I figured they were up to something. They had made a cake and invited some other friends to celebrate my birthday. I was a little embarrassed but I felt loved.

And another high point was spending some time with Leah on Tuesday. We discussed and read the Bible and some writings we admire. She is quite an amazing writer. I hadn't realized. She explained her views on several Biblical issues and it made me admire her spiritual walk to a great degree more.

The more I read God's word the more meaningful it becomes. It's so good. "...we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life..." You should read 2 Corinthians 1:8-10. If God
is a deliverer in this dire situation how much more in my comfortable life?


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