Sunday, July 25, 2004


Today was day number three. It's Sunday. We didn't go to church this morning because we were supposed to meet the rest of the ASC group at Town Hall. So Darren and I got up and braved the public transportation for the first time. It was kinda scary but also exciting. After some confusion we eventually made it to our destination. We were fortunate in that we figured out which train to get on about two minutes before it came. At the train station at our destination we met up with Cassie and some other girl whom I can't remember the name of. We were both early so we decided to walk around downtown and get some lunch. It was so fun to walk and talk. All the students are so nice here. They'll just like come up to you and start talking to you.

Anyway after that we all met at a park which was beautiful. I know none of this is going to seem that great the way I'm telling it. But I don't really know how else to describe it all. It's just such an amazing experience. It's the combination of being in Sydney and being with such cool people.

We split up into three groups and went of a tour of Sydney. Mostly by foot. These were led by people at the Wesley Institute. Our leader was Abe. He's so funny. He's kinda immature but he's funny because of it. Until it gets old. Anyway, he showed us all the pubs and bars he likes to hang out at at night. I know it sounds bad. I thought so too, at first. But to the Ausies, drinking is a much more socially exceptable past time. It's not always associated with low lifers like it might be in the US. Don't worry I don't plan on drinking.

Anyway we saw the Opra houses up close today. And we just walked all around the city. What was the greatest though, was walking and talking and getting to know people more. LIke this one girl named Mellissa just came up to me while we were walking and started talking to me. It's not like I had the hots for her (though she wasn't bad). It was just such a great experience. We talked about all sorts of stuff about each other. Don't worry, I'm not getting emotionally attached to her. That's just how it is here. Connectivity is at it's highest. And it's awesome.

What added to the greatness of the whole thing was that we were walking in downtown Sydney! Surrounded by tall buildings, busy people and traffic, walking fast. It's hard to explain.

I've gotten to know a guy named Derrick pretty well. He's a great guy. I really admire him. I'm not sure why. The first time I saw him at the airport he seemed to be the type of guy that is really cool and would never befriend me. But he did. He's such a thinker. He's from southern California. He seems like a cool surfer guy you know? Anyway, like the first day we met, at the airport, he was just like asking me all these questions about me. Even like some deep questions like when I became a Christian. But it wasn't like he was annoying. I don't know, it's just hard to explain. But I really enjoyed/enjoy talking with him. I always kinda thought you know, he wouldn't really want to hang around me much but he always walks with me and is nice. A good friendship has started.

By the way, despite what my blog says, the last two posts were written on the 23, and the 24 of July, 2004.

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