Sunday, July 25, 2004

Traveling to Australia

I'm on the plane to Australia as I'm typing this. Many things have taken place since my last entry. The more notable things only since the start of this trip.

Yes it was sad to see my family walk away as I sat in the airport. But I was too excited for it to really sink in. I think a time will come soon when I will realize how sad it really is to be away from my family for four months.

One of the first surprises I encountered was at the KC airport when I was asked to remove my shoes as they post a metal detector wand all over my body. I didn't exactly expect this. I knew security had been bumped up from when I had last flown but I just didn't expect that.

An interesting thing happened on the flight from KC to LA. There was a man who I believe was in the military sitting in front of me . The gentleman sitting next to him found this out early in the flight and was very friendly and nice to the military man. He offered his news paper to him and even offered to pay for the in-flight television for the man. Granted it was only $5 but it was heart warming to me for some reason. I've heard of other things that happen to the personnel in the military as they come home. LIke cheering and giving up their first class seats for them. I think this is great. Not only does it show our appreciation for their service but it also I think helps to bring us as a nation together.

Everything went fairly smooth once in LA. I had to ask around a few times to get to the right Qantas check-in counter. I never really felt scared and always had a good amount of confidence. I have God to thank for that. And my Dad for praying for me. I'm so grateful for my Dad's interest in my life as shown by his support in many different ways.

I don't want this blog to be just a list of things that happened in my life. I will try to put more of my feelings in it which is, I think, what will be truly interesting for you and me later.

A rather discouraging moment so far in this trip was when I realized that my friend whom I had requested to stay with in Australia, wasn't so excited about staying with me because he apparently wanted to get to know other people. I'm not really upset about it or anything, I'm just kind of disappointed.

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