Tuesday, September 14, 2004

God Gave Us Music

I'm so very tired right now so this probably won't be so long.
I had a test in my Theology and a project due in my Video
Editing class. I got through both of them alright. I think the
only reason to be worried about Theology is that there are
only two tests and a paper for the whole class. The test only
had 6 short answer questions on it. I think I did alright. As
good as anyone. I studied quite a bit so I can't really be hard
on myself.

A bunch of people went to a pizza shop for dinner tonight.
But I couldn't, I had my Video Editing class. Kind of a bummer.
Darren went and it sounded like a really fun time. A lot of
good friends were there. Oh well.

I want to be closer to God. I don't take reading my Bible
or praying seriously enough. It seems to be just a habit that
I do every night.

I'm looking forward to singing in The Gathering tomorrow.
Choir is always fun. I wish we had a piano here. I have
the urge to learn some Chopin songs. I really like Chopin.
I want to learn the one my brother learned called Nocturne
in E flat major. It's beautiful. There's just something about
piano music that I really love, and miss right now. It's such
a beautiful form of expression. Maybe I'll take lessons
when I get back to JBU. Just for fun.

There is most certainly a difference in the quality of life with
music as compared to without it. Especially making music
as opposed to not. I need to make more. I'm so thankful for
God's gift of music. Life's more colorful with it.

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