Saturday, September 11, 2004


Well I'm back from tour. I had an incredible time as you
might have read. I'm sort of still riding the wave from
the excitement of the tour.

Today I spent the day doing homework, uploading
pictures, and stuff like that. I talked awhile with Sean
and my family. It was very good. Sean's time at St. Olaf
is going very well. I'm very happy for him, and thankful
that my prayers are being answered. I know how scary it
might be to have to figure out classes by yourself. But
it sounds like everything went fine. He made the St. Olaf
Symphony which is awesome. I'm so excited for him and
I can't wait to go to a concert.

It really stinks, I will only get to see him for about a day
when I get back before he has to go back to school.
Major bummer. I totally want to go up there to visit.

That's so weird for Michelle now that Sean's gone. I
feel bad that we can't be more involved in her life. I
can't wait to see her again. From now on, family times
will be that much more special.

I'm going to the Wesley Mission church tomorrow. I
think Maricka, one of the girls I got to know on tour,
goes there. So hopefully I meet up with her. It's also
probably the church closest to what I'm used to. Good

God has been so good to me and my family. This past
week in particular has been such an incredible time for
both Sean and I. I can't thank God enough.

And I just realized that even when things aren't going
well, God is still good. It's who He is. It's unfortunate
that sometimes I try to make my circumstances attest
to God's goodness.

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