Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Disappointing Night

I went to the Switchfoot concert tonight. I had just
heard about it yesterday so we didn't get tickets in
advance. We thought we could buy them at
the door. But we couldn't because they were all
sold out. So we didn't get in. But we could see them
on a large screen outside the concert hall, and we
could hear them if we stood close enough to the
door. So if you stood in that sweet spot, you could
hear and see them. Needless to say I'm kind of
upset and disappointed that we couldn't see them.
But I am accepting it. The good news is I have $30
in my wallet that I wouldn't of had, had I been able
to see them.

I'm tired of constant teasing, constant criticism. It's
not funny. I need someone to tell me not to pay
attention to what's said. Someone to tell me not to
worry about the way God made me. Someone to tell
me not to be self conscious. I'm fine, I'm just going
through a challenging time right now.

I need to spend more time with Jon. I feel bad always
running off in the evenings, leaving him alone. I don't
know what to do with him though. I guess I could play
games. He sort of makes me sad.

I'd type more but I'm too tired.

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