Monday, November 08, 2004

Beginning of the End

Today was the beginning of our last week of classes. It's a
kind of a good feeling. I brought my computer to school and
worked on my paper most all day (and I'm nearly finished).
I even skipped choir practice to work on it. I figured, we
don't have any more performances and I've never missed it
before and I'm not even taking that for credit so it doesn't
really matter. So I just wanted to justify my actions there. At
least for my own sake. :)

I'm staying up kinda late tonight, till 1. Because I have to
register for classes and that's when it's 8 a.m. back in Arkansas.
Of course this is the first year they changed it to 8. It used to be
at six which would have given me a much better advantage as
far as getting classes.

I was supposed to turn in a form with my advisor's signature on
it before I register. But I couldn't get him over here to sign it. So I
emailed the registrars office and explained the situation. Of
course I haven't heard back from them yet so I can only pray that
I'll be able to register come 8 a.m. CST.

Another dumb thing, I'm like 4 credit hours short of being classified
as a junior. They don't count this semester so I just barely missed
it. This means of course that I have to sign up with the freshmen
and sophomores. I hope I get the classes I need.

I'm going to New Zealand on Friday so I won't be posting for a
week. Then six days after I get back I'm coming home. I haven't
decided if I'll continue blogging when I get back. I probably will
but not as often. We'll see.

I think going home might be more of a culture shock then coming
here. Just because of the faster pace of life in America. I've heard
from people who go back to the US that they are humbled and they
realize how big stuff is and how much we have. I'm interested to see
if I notice anything different.

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