Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Revelation 21 & 22

My last Theology class went well. At the end Mr. Barker
read a few chapters at the very end of Revelation. He
read quite a bit. It was really meaningful. I can not wait
to see what John saw. He paints an incredible picture.
I can't wait to see gold so pure you can see through it.

Reading that at the end of the class was a very good idea.
It seemed as if he was reminding us all of what we'll see
together someday. Even though half of the class was
going away and probably never coming back, we'll see
each other in that great place.

I worked with Andy and Carlie on our video project all
afternoon and through class this evening. It was a long
day but we got it done. I didn't think we would finish so
soon, so I felt really good about that. It's not a very good
video, but it was alright for the level of experience that
we all had.

Things are coming together quite nicely as far as my
assignments, praise God. The feeling of finishing papers
and big projects is like none other.

I'll miss Australia. As soon as I leave, I'll want to come
back, I just know it. Oh well, life goes on. Better things
are on the horizon.

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