Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I didn't post yesterday because I got home too late and was
too tired. Our Australian History class was cancelled and
choir was cancelled. But I didn't know about choir. So I went
to school and found out. It was kind of disappointing, and
irritating that I came all the way in to school just to turn around
and go home.

Later that day a bunch of us went to Pancakes on the Rocks.
We didn't have anything to do so we just decided to do that
since some of us hadn't gone yet. I was going to go with my
family when they were here but we couldn't find it. It turns out
it was really close to where my family and I walked. Anyway
we had a great time there. Andy, Cassie, Heather, Gavin,
Caroline and I all went. It was really nice to go with such a
small group. It was easier to relate and interact with everyone
in the group that way.

After we ate, Cali, Andy, Cassie and I went to the movie
"The Notebook." I had kind of been wanting to see it so this
seemed like a good opportunity. It was basically just one big
romance movie. But it really wasn't that bad. Except for a
couple parts where we had to cover our eyes (I was glad to
see at least Cali has high moral standards and covered her
eyes). Anyway the whole night was really fun. I really enjoyed
the company.

Today was a different story however. It's kind of a long story.
Basically I'm mad at myself for staying home and not going
swing dancing with the group that was going tonight. They
went to this place to learn swing dancing for free. At first I didn't
want to go. But then Cassie and Cali and others were telling
me I should go. So I decided that I wanted to go but I didn't
know when or where it was. I was waiting for Darren to come
home to go with him. But I guess he went straight there. There's
much more to it, but it's not worth going in to. I feel left out right
now and it's nobody's fault but mine. I had an idea of where it
was but I was too chicken to go.

I'm still reading through Daniel. It's frustrating. All of those visions
and stuff. I want to know what it all means, but I don't want to do
all the research and studying to find out. I'm kinda lazy like that.
Maybe I'll use some of my free time here to go online and see
what I can discover about it.

I've been designing stuff for fun lately. I'm using a free program
called "The Gimp." It's not too bad once you get used to it.
Doing that stuff has made me think more about my future business
with my brother. An idea came to mind during Theology class today.
What if we made a single product that we customize for individuals
but still has enough room for creativity on our part. The key
difference being the single product, instead of doing all sorts of
different kinds of multimedia services. It would need to be
something unique that we can offer. Basically this idea would
give us an edge on the market so that we wouldn't be competing
directly with other new media design type businesses.

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