Monday, October 18, 2004

God is Real

Today while waiting at school in-between classes I talked
with Jonno Dollin a bit. He's a really cool guy. He's as nice
as can be. But yet he's very cool about it. I can tell he has
high standards and takes God's Word seriously. He's a sax
player who went with us on tour, which is where I got to
know him a bit. Anyway, we had a great conversation today.
It really wasn't about anything that great. It was just really
really good times. I'm not sure why I enjoyed it so much.
It's just like, we really hit it together. Like we were both
ourselves and enjoyed each others friendship. I really
want to have him over sometime or something. He's a
great guy.

I know I shouldn't dwell on the negative. But I can't help
thinking realistically. And when I do that I am reminded of
the fact that I will soon be going away and will probably
never see these guys again. Every time I think of it I get this
tense feeling inside. It's a feeling that distresses me a great
deal. It's an indescribable feeling of sadness. However, once
again, the hope of reunion in heaven is reassuring.

I'm reading through Daniel. In the second chapter after God
has revealed Nebuchadnezzar's dream to Daniel, Daniel
says that God, " wisdom to wise men and knowledge
to men of understanding." This phrase stuck out to me. I don't
know what exactly it means. I just found it interesting. You
would think it should say that God gives wisdom and knowledge
to those without understanding. But it doesn't. It reminds me
of the New Testament where it says "To those who have, more
shall be given." What does it mean though? Is it a reference
to God's sovereignty in choosing to bless some greatly and
others not much at all?

In Daniel God reveals part of the future in Nebuchadnezzar's
dream. It's really cool to think that God can see all of time at
once. I know it's all been said before. But tonight it was made
more real to me. It's like He decided to give us a glimpse of the
future in Daniel. This is really frustrating me right now because
I can't explain my feelings. It's just real. God is real.

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