Sunday, August 15, 2004

A Chat With Sean

So I went to Hillsong today. It was really loud and up-beat.
Almost like a rock concert. Everyone was jumping and
getting into it. I'm not sure I like it a lot, but I might end up
going to it because it's so close and we can just ride our
bikes to it. I like hymns. I enjoy the praise songs also but not
all the time. The hymns seem to be more meaningful and
perhaps complex, musically. I must mention that "Meant to
Live" by Switchfoot was played. But it wasn't for everyone
to sing to, it was more of a "special" (which is good). They
played it really well. I enjoyed it.

The sermon was pretty good, but he didn't seem to use the
Bible to back up all of his points. I mean he used the Bible
a lot, but some of the things he said seemed to just be his
ideas and then he would talk like it was absolute truth. It's
not that they were contrary to the Bible (as far as I could tell)
but they just weren't directly supported in the Bible passage
we were talking about.

Tonight Darren and I played ping pong for awhile. It's pretty
fun, especially when we start getting good. While we were
playing we talked about guy stuff. I'm afraid I can't go into too
much detail because of the mixed crowd. :) It was quite fun.

Wendy keeps asking us if we want to go to her church or
some to their Bible study. But both Darren and I were kind of
turned off to her church after we visited it that first Sunday.
Too charismatic for our liking. Anyway, I feel kind of bad every
time we say no to her offers. Darren doesn't seem to care as
much, he just says, "No I don't think so." heh It's kind of nice to
cut to the chase but at the same time I feel bad. Oh well, no
since in pretending I want to be involved in her church when I

I had a good chat with Sean today. It was great to get caught up
again. He told me some about his time at camp and all he learned.
I was reminded of many truths through our conversation. The fact
that every aspect of our life must be given to God because he
wants our whole being. The fact that God is speaking to us every
time we open the Bible. And the fact that God really has a plan for
our lives and that our potential is much greater than we realize. I
know we've all heard these things before. But I'm just telling you
that I've realized these truths again today in a much more real way.
I could go on talking about each one of these things and why they
have become real for me for quite awhile. But I won't. It's late and
I have classes tomorrow.

I want to tell you about something that the pastor said this morning
that stuck out to me. He related a parent starring at their child in
awe and enjoying their kids' wonder at life with God and His children.
God enjoys seeing us being filled with wonder in and for life. I found
that to be quite a powerful description of God's love for us.

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