Thursday, August 19, 2004

Video Scavenger Hunt

Today was rather long. I got up early to be at school for
choir. Choir was good as always. I'm starting to feel like
I have a handle on some of the music. Or at least as much
as the others. We are supposed to have all of our music
completely memorized for tour. But that'll be cool because
then we can just focus on dynamics and delivery. It shouldn't
be too hard to get it all down.

I then waited around at school till my multimedia class at 12:30.
It's kind of a cool class. We are learning a lot about the whole
process of creating an interactive project such as a website. I
think this should be pretty helpful to me in the future.

I then waited for a few hours at the school (it just wasn't worth
it to go home because of how long it takes) for the scavenger
hunt to start. A couple ASC students organized it. Not too many
people showed up, probably only about 10. But it was still fun.
There were all sorts of crazy things to do that we got points for.
Like jumping jacks in the middle of a mall, screaming "I love
George Bush!" in a public area, and singing 99 bottles of bear
on the wall in a public bus. We did most of them and got them
all on video camera. I did the Bush one. No one really did much,
it was just kind of quiet and people looked at me and then did
nothing. It was a lot of walking so I'm pretty beat.

As usual, it was mostly fun because of who we did it with. We
had a pretty fun time just talking and goofing off together. I felt
like I got to know some of them better than I had. Good times.
One fun thing was when we talked about ways that we had
noticed that the Ausies talk differently than us. I'll give you some

When greeting someone they say "How you goin?" Which is
similar to our "How's it goin?" But still, it takes a little getting
used to. They say "heaps" all the time. Where we say "tons"
or "a lot" they say heaps. Like, "We have heaps of time" or
"That car has heaps of power."

Trash = Rubbish
Cell Phone = Mobile
Gas = Petrol
Mall = Shopping Center
Cookies = Biscuits
Friend = Mate

Anyway, it was fun to discuss this with other Americans who
have noticed the same things.

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