Monday, August 09, 2004

A Good Day

Today was a normal Monday. It was a really nice day outside once it
warmed up a bit.

I believe I've discovered what it is God wanted me to know. I can't say
what it is though. It's personal. God is so good to care about me and
the status of our relationship. It's easy to think I am rather
insignificant in God's eyes, and that he is sort of distant sometimes.
But it's not true. He wants to be involved in every aspect of our
lives. I am truly loved.

A good thing happened today. We had a meeting with all the ASC students
(US students). David, the president, heard our concerns and decided to
give us homestay people a ten ride bus pass per week. I was so thankful
to hear that. Now I can take the bus everyday without worry about
spending so much.

I talked with a girl named Caroline today. She is very nice to me. I'm
not sure why. Even when I really didn't know her she was kind. It's not
like a mushy nice or a fake nice, it seems genuine. It seems odd to me
because I never expressed any interest what so ever in her.

For choir, we are to have our part in a song memorized by Thursday. I
really need to work on it. So I need to find a piano. I had forgotten
how fun it can be to sing in a choir. There's just something about
being in a group and singing as one voice, communicating the same
message. Music is certainly deeper than what you hear.

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