Friday, August 20, 2004

More Walking

Today, the only thing i really did was go to the city with a couple
friends of mine. We went to the Hyde Park Barracks museum.
It was basically a history museum. Australia began by England
sending their convicts over here. And the building that this
museum was in used to be a barracks (prison). There's
obviously a lot more to their history but I don't feel like going
into it all. The museum was alright. It was a lot of reading.

Afterwards we walked downtown for quite awhile, just look-
ing in different stores. I never really get tired of going to the
city (except for the walking part). It's always such a cool
place. There are so many things to see. And there's just
something exciting about the whole atmosphere.

I hate that feeling where you feel like you should get started
on a certain homework assignment but you just keep putting
it off thinking you'll have enough time. In fact I hate it enough
that I usually have to get the assignment done so I don't have
to worry about it anymore. But there's that time in-between
when the hatred hasn't built up enough that you keep putting
it off and worrying about it. I think I'll reach the point where I'll
feel the need to start it enough pretty soon.

Darren and a few other friends of mine are going to the Great
Barrier Reef for the first break. They're going to stay on a boat
for awhile and go scuba diving like every day. I so want to go
with them. That would be amazing. But it costs so much money.
I guess I'll just be content with what I have. I'll be going on the
choir tour during that time, and I'm really excited about that too.
But I'd still like to go scuba diving. Maybe it'll work out for my
honeymoon someday. There are so many cool places to go and
things to do here. It's easy to get this feeling of "this is a once-in-
a-lifetime experience so we have to do everything fun while we're
here." But of course that's not possible, so I'll just do what I can.

Man this time zone thing is really annoying as far as communication.
I've been wanting to talk with Sean for quite a while now on iChat.
But we're never on at the same time. Mainly because of the time
zone difference.

I saw a poster on the wall of an office at school yesterday. It was a
picture of a huge elephant that was balanced with all four feet on
a beach ball in the ocean. The caption said something like "Life
is all about balance." How true that is. There are so many areas
in life that aren't wrong until they, in some way, take up too much
of you.

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