Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Evil Within

I was listening to Chuck Missler today again while
trying to get home. He talked about the rise and
fall of nations. The cycle was, Bondage to Spiritual
Faith to Great Courage to Liberty to Abundance to
Complacency to Apathy to Dependency and back to
Bondage. I found this a very interesting thought.
Especially when thinking about my own country.
Apparently the only culture that we know of that
didn't follow this cycle was Niniva. The extremely
evil city which Jonah was called to. It was given
another hundred years after the whole city miraculously
repented. I pray that God will have as much Mercy on
America. It's scary to think of America's future when I
know that God is a just God, and won't refrain from
judgment forever.

Today was "Open Day." A promotional event for prosp-
ective students. It was kinda fun. I volunteered to help
set up the booths and such. So I had to get up before
breakfast to get there by 8:30. The choir did a "work-
shop" (practice with people watching) and a short per-
formance. Our first one. It went well over all. We could
have done much better. We're all still getting used to
the songs. I got a glimpse of what tour will be like. We
are leaving a week from today. I can't wait!

The other day I was standing at the bus stop on a fairly
busy sidewalk. I got my iPod out and started browsing
through my music. Something caught my eye to my right
(a car or something) so I looked up and stared for a few
seconds. I was still holding my iPod out in front of me
when a lady walked by and bumped my hand with my iPod.
She nearly knocked it out of my hand but I was able to
squeeze hard enough to hang on to it. I looked up and
saw that it was just a short innocent oriental lady. It sur-
prised me that she didn't even bother to look back, but
kept walking. Right after it happened I became very angry
inside at the woman. Didn't she care that she had just
bumped into me, hard? Not to mention nearly making me
drop my iPod.

I was surprised at how angry I had become. I began to think
about how important the iPod had become to me. If someone
were to do so much as to suggest being without it's use, I
would become very possessive. Could this be a sign that my
iPod has become a god to me? I'm afraid it's a possibility.

Now that I think about it, it reminds me very much of Golem
on Lord of the Rings. I was all fine and happy until the moment
I realized I might possibly have to be without my precious. Then
I turned into something different. Something, dare I say, evil.

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