Friday, August 06, 2004

A City Excursion

Today was the start of my weekend. It's really nice, I don't have any
classes on Fridays. Some people in our group even got Thursdays off. So
I slept in today. I didn't really have anything planned today. I kind
of just wanted to stay home all day and relax playing games and
reading. Wendy suggested I take a tour of the Sydney Olympic park. So I
called some friends to see if they wanted to, but the friends I called
planned on going into the city. So I just went with them. It ended up
being pretty fun once we got to the city.

We went to the contemporary art museum. It was very
contemporary/modern. It was interesting but not that great. There was a
lot of weird stuff that didn't make any sense. Like pictures of a group
of people standing out in the woods staring at a couple refrigerators
hanging by rope from trees. Or, a huge movie projected on the wall of
nothing but close up yarn panning across it with this weird bass sound
in the background. Maybe it means something but I sure don't get it.
That's where I think many artists fail. If nobody gets it, what's the

One of the exhibits was some type of political statement with Bush as a
cowboy. I'm not sure what the statement was but I don't think it was
pro bush. One of the girls thought it was great. It kind of ticked me
off. It's annoying when people are wrong but don't realize it.

After that we went to a little cafe place at the Opera Houses for
lunch. That was cool. I couldn't take enough pictures of that place. We
than went to a huge garden (I can't think of the name, it's a famous
one though) and walked around for a long time. It's sounds boring but
it really wasn't. It's such a beautiful place. It's also cool because
it's right next to the city. So you have grassy knolls, trees and
flowers and then, abruptly, there are sky scrapers.

We then went back to the Concord house (dorm) and played cards and
watched a movie.

Wendy belongs to a charismatic church. She always talks like their
church is doing things and looking at things in the bible that most
other churches aren't. I'm not sure what to think about all that stuff
they apparently do. Like speaking in tongues, the laying on of hands
and supernatural healings. I mean, I believe in God's healing abilities
of course, but I guess I just think it's done more through man
(doctors) and medical means. I don't know. Is this a lack of trust in
God? Does God not do miracles like he did in the Bible because of the
advancement of man's technology? Maybe he does do miracles like he did
in the bible and I'm just not seeing them. After all God is always the
same. I don't know. Just some thoughts.

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